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70000 thoughts come to Human Mind everyday!!


We are going to discuss Two (02) SITUATIONS today:
Thoughts 0r Focus

Situation 1: 70,000 Opportunities full of Positive Clear Happy Thoughts, Ideas, Smiles, Feeling of Gratitude, Forgiveness, Happiness come your way EVERY DAY, 
Situation 2: 70,000 Obstacles in form of Stress, Confusion, Negative Thoughts, Jealousy, Tension, Loneliness, Depression, Sleeplessness, Anxiety, Amnesia, Insomnia, Diseases, Lack of Opportunity, Losses, Relationship Breakdown, etc come your way EVERY DAY. 
Any sane person would choose Option 1 – By default. It’s like a No BRAINER  – Its Option 1 for sure. Well, the irony is that we know what we should be choosing, but more often than not, most of us, end up choosing Option 2 consciously or sub-consciously. 
Now the question arises that why are we talking about 70,000? 
Well, the answer is simple. About 70,000 Thoughts come to the Human Mind on a Daily basis, and what we make of these thoughts land us in either Situation 1 or Situation 2. 
Do I need to say more ?!? 
Jumbled Up – Clogged – Tangled – Messed – Broken Thoughts is what most of us have these days. 
However, turning situation 2 into situation 1 is the Magic Mantra for a Happy Successful Life. And, the  only way to do this is to learn to Concentrate – Focus – Discard, or in simple words, ‘MEDITATE’. 
The secret to ‘MEDITATE’ is not sitting in a criss-cross fashion trying to Concentrate. The scecret is to ‘DISCARD’. It’s simple – unless you clean a space, discarding the old junk, you won’t have space to keep new updated stuff in that space. 
Take for example your home or room. What if you don’t clean it for days .. weeks.. months.. years at length. On top of it whatever is coming to your room – say pizza delivery, food, beer bottles, etc etc.. you are just letting the garbage be there – The empty pizza boxes, beer cans and bottles, everything – it just stays there in your room. 
Now let me ask you – for how many days would you be able to stay in this room of yours? 1 week, 1 month… 1 year? 
Now, we all know that our Brain controls every action of our Body – movement, our breathing, digestion, and so on so forth. So, the Brain / Mind by default becomes the most important part (room) of our Body (House). And we are just adding dump, garbage, rotten stuff in this room of our body. The only difference is that this Garbage is not quite tangible. But the weight of this intangible waste is beyond one’s comprehension. It is this weight that pulls down a 80 kg man and turns him into a sad, unhappy, disgruntled, stressed human. 
So, this Intangible Waste seems to be quite destructive, and definitely needs to be taken care of before a happy healthy prosperous man turns into a gloomy being.  
It is said that our Mind is the by far the best possible ‘Super Computer’. And like any computer program runs on the right kind of commands and inputs, so does our mind. 
Our mind just weighs about 1.5kg (on an average), and has within itself a Neuron Network that is 100 Billion complex. And these 100 Billion neurons communicate amongst themselves inside this 1.5kg of mass, and produce thousands of synapses every second. *As you just read this statement, some about 10,000 synapses just happened.*
“Complicated Questions always have the most Simplest Answers.” – Max the Modern Monk 
So, going by this theory which is defined in the literature available over the span of history – Just Simply learn to Focus. 
Again going back to your messed up room – How would to start to organize your room. By default your first set of actions would involve discarding and throwing away all the garbage (empty pizza boxes, beer cans and bottles, etc). Once the garbage is removed, the next step would be to wipe clean the space with broom and disinfectants and floor cleaners. Once the visible garbage and dust is removed, you would go to minor details – such as taking down the books stored in the book shelf – cleaning them up and re-stacking properly. Then the cupboard, or the side tables, or the show cases, etc. You would repeat the same process – Take the stuff out, wipe clean the items, clean the surface, and re-install / re-stack the stuff properly. Once the walls and floor of your room would be clean, you then would probably want to change the soiled bed sheet with a clean bright bed sheet and bed cover. 
Once the room would be sparkling clean, now is the stage when you would think of just sprucing it up with room fresheners, or flowers or scented candles. 
At this stage you would ensure that the room is well lit, and if any bulb / tube would be non functional, you would replace that as well, to finally give that touch and finesse of perfection. 
Now, compare the same room – ‘Back then, and Now’. 
Considering your Body as the House (of your soul), to keep the rooms (body parts) clean and organized should be our prerogative to feel good, healthy and happy. We dirty various rooms by various different activities – viz. The room named lungs is filled with garbage of smoke that we inhale while smoking. The room named liver is rottened by the acids of garbage that we intake called alcohol. 
Similarly, the room called ‘MIND’ is filled with garbage because of the tangled, jumbled up negative depressive thoughts of jealousy, obsession, hatred – which lead to stress, tension, complexes, anger, depression, insomnia, and the list goes on.. 
O, how knowing that the garbage filled in the room called mind is intangible in nature, how do we get rid of it? 
Well, you can’t take a broom and wipe clean the area literally. However, you can start the virtual deleting process. It’s like the ‘Ctrl + Alt + Del’ command for the garbage of the mind. 
Run through your life events as if you are watching a movie, and whatever parts of the movie are stressful, and give you pain, simply just ‘Shift + Del’. 
Trust me when I am saying this – as simple does this sound – that simple it is. 
